Romanian wedding
Postat 28-03-2021
If so far I have published information about the history of Romania, about Romanian culture, about what Romanians are like, about Romanian gastronomy, it is time to describe some of the most present habits in the life of a person: birth and baptism, wedding and funeral. I will start with the wedding and I will show you a traditional wedding with all its moments, which we, Visit Transilvania Travel, recreate for those groups of tourists who want to learn more about our traditions and customs.
Romanian wedding

At our wedding for tourists, two of them dress in Transylvanian folk costume, as bride and groom, two others as godfather and godmother, and then are "married" by the others in the group.
The wedding begins in the morning at the groom's house. He gathers with his relatives and musicians an accordionist and a saxophonist. From here they go to the godparent's house, where they will be invited to the house, they will be served with a glass of brandy, a cake, and the musicians will sing "Godfather your greatness", a song dedicated to the godfather.
From here, the wedding procession, which will be joined by the guests of the godparents, passes to the house of the bride. Here, the door will be opened, and asked what they are looking for. They will reply that they came for the bride. Those of the house do not want to give them their daughter, so they want to deceive them and present them dressed as a bride, a little girl, a mature woman, and a grandmother.
Every time the groom replies that this is not his bride. In the end, the bride appears and invites them to the house and serves them with brandy, wine, and cakes. It is sung: "Say goodbye bride to your mother and father", a song in which the bride separates from her family and friends since childhood, to follow her husband. When he leaves the bride's house, the bride and groom's path is stopped by a cord held by two children or two women and the groom has to pay a small amount of money to be able to go out with his bride.
From here all the guests go to church for religious service and God's blessing. After the service, the bride and groom take photos with the guests, and then everyone heads to the restaurant where the wedding will take place.
Here, he will eat appetizers, soup, sarmale, pork fillet, fish, the bride's cake, and drink red wine, white wine, beer, and brandy. It should be noted that most of the time, the participants dance, especially to Romanian traditional music, mainly specific to the area where the wedding takes place (Transylvania, Moldavia, Muntenia, Oltenia, Maramureș, Banat, Crisana, Dobrogea) but also in modern or specific music from other Romanian folkloric areas.
The party lasts about 10 hours. One of the most important wedding moments is when some men "steal the bride" and bring her back after the godfather pays them by offering them a drink. In the end, the guests go to the couple to wish them a "stone house" and give them an envelope with a sum of money consisting of the value of the expenses the couple has with the wedding party (food and orchestra in the restaurant) and an amount of extra money to help the bride and groom for the new life they are starting. This additional amount is all the more consistent as the kinship relations are closer to the two grooms.
This is largely the development of a traditional Romanian wedding.
You can see everything better by seeing this link on our YouTube channel.

Wedding song: If only the cuckoo could speak

You can listen to the song here.
If only the cuckoo could speak
Who wouldn't have asked him
Which ages first
the rich or the poor
But neither the rich nor the poor
I don't live twice
They don't go to heaven with sacks
Not even with a cart pulled by oxen
Give to your heart what it asks of you
Today you are tomorrow you are not
It's not a shame to spend your life
With nothing to choose from
Poor childhood
I walked barefoot through the grass
I left home as a child
To get where there are not many
I haven't been a gentleman all my life
I, in turn, was a servant
Whether I had it or not
One girl still loved me
Listen, man
Strike while the iron is hot
When it's time to live
Live is not a sin
Proud Rose Flower

You can listen to the song here
In life, you are a guest
Either you are sad or you are partying
In the end, you have to go
You can have the world at your feet
Money with a fork to turn
But when the earth pulls you
You're still coming home
You can do everything in life
But do them in time
Don't forget one thing
Man you're mortal
I've traveled the world a lot
I just wanted to do better
I realized over the years
Where there is money, there are enemies
You can have the world at your feet
Money with a fork to turn
But when the earth pulls you
You're still coming home
You can do everything in life
But do it in your time
Don't forget one thing:
Man you're mortal
On the way of my life
There were thorns and flowers
Today my children follow in my footsteps
But they have life without clouds
God, all the evil in the world
Give it to me, don't give it to him
For them, I shot in life
And I will shoot to death
Thank God
That I'm fine and healthy
I got where I got
And once I came down the stairs
You can have the world at your feet
Money with a fork to return
But when the earth pulls you
You're still home
You can do everything in life
But do it in your time
Don't forget one thing
Man you're mortal
Hear the rain on the blinds.

Hear the rain on the blinds. Listen it here
You can hear the rain on the blinds, hitting drop, drop, drop
And my wife's mouth doesn't stop at all.
What are you doing, put that on, take that off,
All your life, she talks continuously, you become a martyr.
But the rain stops, and the wife when it starts,
She talks, she talks, don't stop at all.
She gives advice, she sighs and the man stands still.
All your life, she talks continuously, you become a martyr.
Marriage, marriage, you have to be locked in a cage.
I loved you, you made me crazy, you made me sick
You took my youth.
Gone is the time brother, when he did not dare the woman,
To look at the man.
Today women smoke, men have fun
Although the world has become emancipated.
But God forgives Grandma, she didn't know about that.
She wore an apron and a headscarf, and the poor thing she didn't know about that.
She wore boots and esteemed you and nothing poor knew that.
I know other girls, who are called schoolgirls,
And they are only 16 years old.
I give them my hand and elbows, they do everything they can,
To earn a penny.
But God forgives Grandma, she didn't know about that.
She was wearing an apron and a headscarf, and she didn't know anything about it.
She wore boots and esteemed you, and nothing poor she knew.
You can hear the rain on the blinds, hitting little, little, little,
And my wife's mouth doesn't stop at all.
Where the hell have you been so far?
All your life, speak continuously, you become a martyr.